Kitchen layouts that complement your home

Your kitchen reflects your personality and style. It casts a lasting impression on your guests. Having a sleek and smart kitchen leaves a positive impact on your guests while you are hosting. But you ought to know how to get the best out of your new modular kitchen design. In this blog, we will talk about the different types of kitchen layouts you could opt for. For other aspects, please read our Plan your perfect modular kitchen blog. 1. L-shaped Kitchen L shaped modular kitchen is the most popular type of layout. The platform works on two perpendicular sides of the kitchen. You can adapt to this layout in any kitchen size.L_shape_kitchen 2. Parallel Kitchen If you've got a dry balcony, storeroom door or even a window in between the walls of your kitchen, this layout will fit well. There are two platforms adjacent to the wall and parallel to each other in this type of layout. The parallel kitchens give the perfect efficiency. You can get it in medium to large sized ...